Meeting you as much as I’ve met me

Strangers aren’t just people you’ve never met or don’t know.

They’re the ones we know and love who choose their ego over relationship with themselves and with you.

Who don’t know you, but try and lay claim.

Who don’t integrate their parts and resent your wholeness.

See it as threat.

These are strangers parading as family, friend, colleague, ally; safe; forever.


Our intuition can override our seeking-sameness-and-safety brain. Even the blocked and rewired trauma ones.

So trust it.

There are people, even ones you’ve never met, that see you and say “welcome, you’re you and that is beautiful, interesting, not a threat”.

That are complimentary, easy to your nervous system and self esteem.

With whom you can dream and just be, however flawed, however in process.

They walk in accountability and truth and so they walk alongside you in yours and don’t gaslight your existence.

Ones who don’t delight in your isolation and self-deception.

Beware the ones who can’t meet themselves without punishing you as they do it.

That’s just endless water reflection gazing.

Not a reflection of your highest self.

Control and manipulation masking as kinship and brutal truths when you shine.

Meanwhile they’re holding the oil can as you cringe and rust; judging you for being slow, loud and stuck.

They want you muted and agreeable. Defenseless, unknowing, or without advocacy.

These people ain’t your people.